čtvrtek 22. května 2008


ssl ldap search without a base (eg. to get a base):

$ ldapsearch -h servername -p port_number -b "" -s base -D "uid=proxy" -Z -P /opt/DSRK6.3/etc/cert7.db -K /opt/DSRK6.3/etc/key3.d objectclass=* | grep ldap:

netscapemdsuffix: cn=ldap://dc=servername,dc=some_ds,dc=some_dc:389

-h [server name]


-p [server port]


-b [base name]


-s [Specify the scope of a search. The scope parameter
may have one of the following values:

# base - For searching only the base entry.
# one - For searching only the children of the base entry.
# sub - For searching the base entry and all its descendants (default)]


-D [account which performs a search]


-w [password for the account]


-Z [make an SSL-encrypted connection]

-P [path to cert]


-K [path to key]


-v [run in verbose mode (diagnostics to standard output)]

-T [don't fold (wrap) long lines (default is to fold)]

-e [minimize base-64 encoding of values]

-1 [omit leading "version: 1" line in LDIF output]

[filter expression]


[which fields values]

"uid cn uidNumber gidNumber homeDirectory loginShell"

ssl ldap modify

cat > /tmp/change_shell

dn: uid=username,ou=people,ou=Common,l=***,c=***,o=***
changetype: modify
replace: loginShell
loginShell: /bin/bash


ldapmodify -h servername -p ssl_port_number -D uid=some_user_or_proxy,ou=***,l=***,c=***,o=***k -w password \
-Z -P -K -f /tmp/change_shell

*A DN is typically composed of an ordered set of attribute type/attribute value pairs. Most DNs are composed of pairs in the following order:

* common name (cn)
* organization (o) or organizational unit (ou)
* country (c)

The following string-type attributes represent the set of standardized attribute types for accessing an LDAP directory. A DN can be composed of attributes with an LDAP syntax of Directory String, including the following:

* CN - CommonName
* L - LocalityName
* ST - StateOrProvinceName
* O - OrganizationName
* OU - OrganizationalUnitName
* C - CountryName
* STREET - StreetAddress

*(from IBM: http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocente ... gref11.htm)

syntax explained in more detail:


linux ldap basics (Czech)


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