čtvrtek 22. května 2008

Sun cluster commands (3.2)

Setup commands

install primary or next cluster node

menu driven re-configuration utility

interactive command shell for cluster management

cluster status
status for all cluster components

cluster list-cmds
lists available commands

Quorum device commands

clq status
quorum votes summary, quorum votes by node/device status
clq list
list all the quorum elements (devices/hosts)
clq show
cluster nodes (with reservation keys) and quorum device/s path/s

SCSI commands and devices

/usr/cluster/lib/sc/scsi -c inkeys -d /dev/did/rdsk/device
shows reservation keys (all possible/available keys for device)
/usr/cluster/lib/sc/scsi -c inresv -d /dev/did/rdsk/device
shows active reservation (server accessing quorum device)

Administer Sun Cluster device instances

cldevice status
status of disk devices

Server node commands

clnode list
list servers in cluster
clnode show-rev
cluster software version
clnode status
shows status of the clustered servers (Online/Offline)

Heart-beat links

HB endpoint status

scstat -W
Cluster Transport Paths

Cluster resource commands

clrs status
(rs as for for resource) resource status
clrs show -v resouirce-name
shows values of all resource attributes for given resource-name (as Type/Group/Class)
clrs show -p NetIflist resource-name
shows NetIflist resource attribute value
clrs set -p netiflist=primary@1,primary@3,primary@4 resource-name
set attrinute value(s)

Resource group commands

clrg status
(rg as for resource group) resource group status
clrg manage resource-group
put resource group under cluster management
clrg online resource-group
bring it online
clrg add-node -n hostnameX resource-group
allow service/resource-group to migrate/failover even to hostnameX
clrg switch -n hostnameX resource-group
fail-over resource group to hostnameX

Resource types

clrt list
(rc as for resource types: SUNW.SharedAddress, SUNW.LogicalHostname ...) prints registered SUNW resource types


/usr/cluster/lib/sc/ccradm -i infrastructure
compute new checksum after changing cluster config in /etc/cluster/ccr/infrastructure file

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